Gil was a little out of it that day, but the next day, he got up, took some meds (about a 1/3 of the prescribed dose), ate some breakfast and was talking up a storm. Outside of some obvious pain in swallowing, it was as if nothing happened! Well, he did eat cautiously the rest of the day...pudding, milk, eggs, and such. He would take small doses of the pain medication (hydrocodine/acetaminophen liquid) to eat, and a full dose to sleep. Friday he tried to sleep without it but it was a bit too soon and that set him back a little.
We stayed home from church Sunday, but by the Wednesday he went to work and that night seemed to make a big difference. The next day he felt real good and has been without any meds since this past Friday. He is still being careful about the food he eats, staying away from fried, hard, or crunchy foods and spicy foods.
We didn't hear from the Dr. About the tonsil for a week after the surgery, so I called the office to follow up. They called the next day and - yippee - no sign of disease!!! So I guess we are just back in recovery mode. Next, Gil has to meet with all three doctors, the ENT who did the tonsillectomy, his oncologist, and our general practitioner. After that, the next series of scans is in November, right before thanksgiving. Hopefully all continues to progress well!!