Saturday, December 03, 2005

1st chemo treatment

Gil had his first Chemo treatment Decemebr 1st. He also got the results of his bone marrow test, mugascan and CT scan.

First off: He is stage 1A for Hodgkins. It's the earliest stage possible and no symptoms. That's a good thing. Only 8 chemo sessions, down, 7 to go. We figure that will be done by about March 9th.

2nd: He has another infected lymph node just inside the right jaw (which may account for some trouble he has had with his teeth). This will require radiation therapy. At this point we don't know much about when that will start or how long it will take.

3rd: his heart is only working at 42% and should be working at 50%. Now he will have to go and have a echocardiogram done. We don't know at this point where this may go.

Yesterday (Dec. 2) he was given a booster shot to boost his white cell count so he can fight infections better. It's made him a little achey and chilled so Gil was feeling a little like he has the flu. I think he might be a little better this morning, although he is dealing with a little intestinal distress. Merlyn and Red are doing their best to show their love (Merlyn is laying in Gil's lap as I'm typing this).

Well, I suppose I should get on with my day. Laundry to do, groceries to buy, Christmas tree to set up...maybe even time to get some Christmas shopping in...humm....


Anonymous said...

Give our love to Gil and take care of yourself...blah...blah...blah Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Carol, thank you for going out of your way to let everyone know how things are going with you and Gil. Listen...I've got some good news for you! If everything works out, Mike and I will be moving into an apartment complex just a stone's throw away from you. Never hesitate to call us if you need anything!