Saturday, January 14, 2006

Half Way Point!

Jan 12 was Gil's 4th treatment (end of round 2 and the half-way point).
They backed off things to the same level they were during the first 2 treatments, so he is doing much better than after the last treatment. The benadryl was the only thing kept at a higher level. Also he is back to taking his old anti-nausea medication (a generic Compazine).

Monday he will probably remove what hair he has left. We have found that baby shampoo (actually body wash/shampoo) is best for his super senstive skin right now. Regular shampoo was starting to really irritate his scalp.

He say's he actually feels pretty good right now. We have this week off from church, for which I am grateful - even if he is feeling ok. I was so afraid he would be so sick like he was last time...I glad Phil took my suggestion to the next level, even if Gil wasn't.

4 down, 4 to go!

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Anonymous said...

I think it was 'bout time they gave him some time off on Sunday! There will be prayers anyway! Love you...Mom H

Anonymous said...

It is half way and you are half way to finish the treatment. We all know it is very tough and we believe you will be getting better as time goes by.
