Friday, January 27, 2006

Thus begins...

Round 3
Gil's doing pretty good. The hemoglobin is a bit low, but due to a calculation error, a count of 12.6 is ok. It's when the count gets to 11 that we have to worry. How do you get your hemoglobin up? I still have yet to really research that. Blood pressure is still a little low. All of this seems to be a rest issue. The Dr. feels he is doing outstandingly well; keep up the good attitude.

Jason has shut down. After crossing the line with me and wanting to do...whatever, but can't because he doesn't have a car. He want's more freedom than we can rightfully give. Don't know what to do about that.

Me, I'm just kind of trying to keep my sanity. When you get so focused on taking care of everyone else, it's hard to make time for yourself.

210 120/80

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the hemoglobin, I think Gil can take some iron pills to increase it or eat food contains with higer iron. That was my doctor recommendated to me when I had my stomach ulcer years ago but you have to consult with your doctor if that is correct.
