We painted/remodeled one of our bathrooms...

I (Carol) turned 40 on June 11th. That week I ran sound for VBS (vacation bible school) at our church...

That weekend we "demo'd" the youth room at church...

Then this last week of June we had David over for a skateboard camp at a skate park nearby (688 Skate park)....

And the small things like taking "training" classes, helping Jason get registered for classes at St. Petersburg College, Cleo (cat) having a massive urinary infection (pill & fluid therapy...I get to stick the cat with a needle...ewwww), having lunch with Gil at the print shop, Gil running the music for July 2nd service at church.
This week is July 4th - Happy Independence Day! Happy Birthday USA!! And July 5th is Gil's Birthday - Woo Hoo. Then on the 6th, he goes in for his PET scan...hopefully THE test that will bring us good news that this cancer ordeal is over.
Hope your having as much fun as we are!
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