Thursday, June 27, 2013

so close...

Progress is slow, but the number are still going up and Dr. Ball is very happy. Gil seems to be feeling better, not getting as winded easily.  (hopefully formatting stays)
          6/20     6/27    normal
WBC  3.0       3.3       4.2+
RBC   3.96     4.25     4.3+
HGB  11.7      12.2     14+  This is the one that, when low, he get's winded.
PLT    165      256       140 - 440  necessary for clotting - YAY!

He walked 2 laps around Datsko park last week (about a mile) - it was a little rough at the end, but later that day we went to the mall and walked around before seeing a movie, and he felt good! Maybe we'll walk the park tomorrow - or maybe we'll just get breakfast, hmm....

Got a full day tomorrow as it is: Christian has his annual visit (after all we figure he's about 11 years old), and then we're gonna head south to Mom & Dad's for dinner. Next week is July 4th, so blood work will be on the 3rd, maybe the midnight run for me, and parade in Temple Terrace on the 4th - then we'll collapse for a while! OH - and Gil turns 50 on the 5th!!

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