Wednesday, June 05, 2013

continued recovery

Recovery continues. Monday Gil got another neupogen shot as his white blood cells took a little dip. His digestive issues seem to have passed. Food is tasting better and he is eating whole meals (although not a lot at one time). Blood pressure is running low (87/58 ??), but seems to be coming up (96/64). I know it has run low for the last 7 years - after his first round with hodgkin's. Everything really seems to be going well!

So...we are waiting on more blood tests to see how close he is to normal ranges, to actually see the doctor (tomorrow), get the central line out, and be fully discharged - or at least allowed to go home to Clearwater. After that, we still have to wait for clearance for him to start driving and working again - that may be 3 months down the road.

I do feel we have been very fortunate.

#1 he did auto - less rejection, higher success & quicker recovery than allo (autologous (aw-TOL-o-gus) and allogenic (a-LO-jen-ik). ~

#2 we were able to stay near home by going to Moffitt here in Tampa (not Gainsville or Detroit Michigan or ....not sure where else they do it)

#3 He was allowed to do all his chemo out-patient (a first, from what we understand) because...

#4 we have had such great support from work, church & my run group - best cheering sections EVER!!!

#5 when things got bad, he was able to stay in the hospital where they gave him the fluids, electrolytes, and other meds he needed in a controlled environment - I think they did better than I could have done at the hotel and I would have been freaking out!

#6 we were near 2 nice running loops, so when I needed to, I could take frustrations/helplessness/stress...IT out on the road; it also gave us nice places to walk when he was able.

#7 after the hospital, our appointments changed allowing us more morning time and the occasional day off.

#8 Gil lost some weight (about 8 lbs?)

I'm sure we can come up with some other 'benefits' - not the vacation anyone would really want, but it could have been worse.


As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
~~ Matt 7:11 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

continue on!! with Love!! mom