Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

OK, it may be a Japanese name, but we're still going to blame it on Jason even if he is from Hong Kong, China. 

First of all, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I actually thought I had already posted some of this information, but...well, on with the show...

I have (had?) what is called "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis" which is an auto-immune disorder. Not a big surprise - having the ANA's in the blood stream, tested for lupus, and having psoriasis. Thursday (4/10) I will begin taking thyroid medication (synthroid or generic).

Spring break was last week. It was OK - it wasn't work. I did some bookkeeping, a little house cleaning, hosted our nephew, David, for the ENTIRE WEEK! "Enjoyed" a little drama there - what is it with teenagers and drama?! Visited Mom & Dad in Pt. Charlotte. Tried to get back to a little running - decided to start joining TNT Alumni runs during the week. That was fun. Picked up a couple of French kids for their spring break - hosted them for 2 nights before their other host family was able to take them. 

Really, that's about it! Mom had a catheratization today. All went well there. She'll have a reading tomorrow and we'll hopefully find out when she gets her stints put in. I've been back at work for almost 2 months now and things are going ok. Been a little tired; weight is starting to creep up. Had a blood test done last Tuesday, so I'm going on medication (as mentioned above). Not much really beyond that.

OH - I do have one bigger thing to mention. March 5th Dad & I did the Harbour Heights 5k. I ran it in 27:42 (22 sec. faster than last year) and Dad walked it in about 55 minutes. I also did the Carrollwood 'Tour de Village' 5k the following weekend - a trail race. Did it in 30:21 and took first in my age division - My first WIN!!
That's pretty big news!

OK - feeding time at the zoo....till next time...

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Rose said...
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