Tuesday, March 26, 2013

yet another set-back

I was very proud of myself at one point last week. Gil had gone to the oncologist to schedule his new chemo. When he got home he had an info sheet for a different drug than what the Dr. at Moffitt had mentioned. Now, I realize the Dr. at Moffitt has a strong hispanic accent (from Colombia?) and I almost got the drug name wrong, so I was sure our Dr. had gone by what she heard on the phone and not read his notes yet. So I called, left a voice message and later, when they called back, they confirmed that, after reading Dr. Ayala's notes, Dr. Ball ordered the Acetris for Gil.
Brentuximab and Rituximab (generic names) can sound very similar. I was glad to get everyone on the same page!

Well, today he was supposed to have chemo, but it turns out it is a special order drug and needs paperwork done and signed off on, so....it's on order now! No chemo today, next week.
Gotta call Moffitt so they can change our schedule again.

In the meantime, we are enjoying spring break (not doing much but church stuff) and some unusually cool weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if my first comment went through...enjoy this week love you Mom&Dad