Thursday, June 06, 2013


At day +16 he was deemed by the doctor as "boring".
Boring because he had nothing really going on. White counts dipped just enough again to get another booster, but no aches, no pains, no mouth sores, no more vomiting or diarrhea.

+16 and he is doing better than anyone has done before. He is also, it turns out, a bit of an experiment. He was the first to do this whole thing outpatient ...outside of his 5 days in the hospital with the a minor infection and the major effects of chemo, which 5 days is actually pretty good! SO if anyone goes into medical school and specializes in this area, you may read about him!

+16 and he is possibly cleared to go home, we just need to get the central line out. Depending on how and when that is scheduled, I may be the best birthday present ever - going home with my hubby at my side!!

+16 and we just got a call about taking out his central line Monday, June 10th (+20). Not even a month after his transplant. How cool is that??

OH - and by the way, his baby immune system will need a series of immunization shots all over again. Didn't think about that, eh?


Anonymous said...

Sure didn't think about that, but it makes sense. I am so happy that all has gone so well. Keeping you in my prayers!


Anonymous said...

I always knew that Gil was out of the ordinary!
