Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 2

Appt. 10:30am; done by 1:15pm
ifosfamide (i-FOS-fa-mide)

Not 100% sure of what all he was given today. I believe it was a repeat of what he had yesterday (etoposide (e-TOE-poe-side)) with the Ifosfamide (with anti-nausa) as a 24 hour or so? The paperwork he brought home only had information about the pump. He does have a little bag with a pump and the meds that he is hooked up to. He is complaining of achy-ness and, of course, they want him to drink a LOT so he pee's a lot. The Emend and other anti-nausea drugs seems to be working very well, although I am hyper-aware of every cough and hiccup.

Almost surreal. he's too young to be attached to a bag (no wife jokes, please). I have noticed him being a little unsure of somethings - maybe confusion, just may be a sign of being overwhelmed. He does seem fatigued (big surprise, right?)

I'm getting tired of dealing with the insurance company - 2 phone calls today about our little fender bender Thursday - even interrupted my workout - grrr. What seemed like such a benign accident seems to be a big deal to insurance companies. At some point I guess I need to get my car checked out (the adjusters office is open 7am - 7pm).

Well tomorrow is the last day of chemo (Carboplatin?); we'll see if he goes to church/work afterward. So far it seems like 'a-go'..

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