Saturday, January 05, 2013

Some more details

(darn me and my reading)
If I remember what the doctor said, and referring to my reading the form of Hodgkin's Gil had 6 years ago was most commonly seen in the younger age group for Hodgkin's (18-34, although he was 42 - always knew he was unusual). The form he has now is seen in the older age group over 50 (Gil will be 50 this year). (Dr. David J. Straus, 2/8/12)

I guess from the Dr.'s reaction, it unusual to see both forms in the same person, so is it a re-occurrence or secondary incident? Regardless, he faces chemo again and the possibility of bone marrow transplant.

In an odd turn of events, our current student Danielle has decided she should find a new family. She assures us it's nothing we have done, but that she doesn't feel she could handle seeing Gil get sick and she didn't want to be a burden. We've never had a kid want to leave us before, so it's a little mixed emotions, but it's completely understandable.

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