Monday, May 13, 2013

And a time to uproot....

As the trees are planted in the forest grow, they must be thinned out. 
Just as they made the cells grow, today they collected them. About 9 hours on the machine and anther few hours waiting to see if the collected enough. So what did they collect? What is a stem cell after all? Well, in regards to blood...

Blood Stem Cells: Cells found in the blood that can grow into a red blood cell, a white blood cell or a platelet. (Also called hematopoietic stem cells)

It felt a little weird going about my day, in Tampa, away from home, not really knowing what to do without him with me. Not that I didn't know what to do...went for a run (I guess too short), picked up a few things, tried to take a nap, talked with mom & dad via Skype....just, you know...I'm here for him and its not really home. I still kinda feel like I'm drifting through all this. Everyone is so worried about us, but I'm kind of not...a little, but I know it really is under control, sort I taking it too easy? I wonder if everyone else is ready. That's why posted on Facebook some of the words from "once in a lifetime" by talking heads 

"You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? " 'cause I keep wondering that. I actually downloaded the song because it really fits how you drift through life and one day look around a wonder "what the heck is this?"...being taken out of the routine of life, it's more so.

I can't even really fathom what Gil is truly going through. I know he's hungry a lot of the time (when he's at the hospital for hours he tends to not eat), tired. But as for emotions, or mindset...he seems pretty stable, but he may be like me and just kind of drifting through its all some kind of weird dream...a bad dream. 

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