Wednesday, May 29, 2013


OK, so Monday ...He got platelets Monday morning. He wasn't feeling real well Sunday night, so I was really hoping the platelets would help, but, alas, as the sun went down his temp went up. It didn't stay there so we were in flux - do we call or not? do we stay and ride it out or go to the hospital?
At 100.5 we were supposed to call - it had hit 100.8, but went right back down to 98.7 (NOT radio stations here, kids). We called, they said try taking it again in about an hour. So about an hour later...99 ...few minutes later...101...a minute later 98.9...We called again and they decided to admit him.

They found some signs of VRE, an occasionally naturally occurring bacteria - some people have it, some don't, some are carriers...doesn't always make ya' sick. So special antibiotics by IV. The fever stayed down, and by Tuesday, the bacteria went away, but he definitely was not feeling better. Started the neupogen shots on Tuesday...thought we'd see some improvement Wednesday. Even a nice little prayer group from church came by and did some serious praying - I was sweating!

Today, Wednesday, I kind of see some improvement. When he's awake, he's pretty alert, but you can tell he is really nauseated. They've tried a couple of anti-nausea treatment...not much is working and they put him to sleep. They are also trying a motion sick patch because it happens most when he sits up. Basically he hasn't eaten for 2 days - lost almost 10lbs (not that we weren't prepared for that).

Although this is all fairly common and expected, no one likes feeling bad or puking their guts out. He's worn; really wants to eat something and have it stay down, let alone taste decent. This evening he had a vanilla milkshake. I'm sure it's not exactly your run of the mill milkshake, but, as of the time I left, he had managed to keep it down! YAY!

He had another neupogen shot today (these are white cell boosters), and his platelets were low (10) but not low enough for an infusion, so we'll see tomorrow morning about that. Hopefully all this is a very minor bump in the road and we start seeing some improvement tomorrow.

Hooray for the milkshake!!

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