Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mile 18 ?

Almost like a newborn baby, Gil's immune system is pretty non-existent.
White blood cells at .07k  (normal 4.0 - 10.9)
Platelets @ 31k (143-382)
They haven't listed the neutrophils (a type of white cell) for a couple of days now - probably because there aren't any (Neutropenia). Until those come up to about 500k he has to be on antibiotics.
Also all the chemo effects are becoming more apparent - but we won't go into those. All I can say is Gil is feeling pretty sick (but he still has his hair so far).

Doc wants him to walk about a mile a day. That's getting harder everyday, right now. His ankles and calves hurt, his hands and feet are cold, wearing a mask outside all make it very hard to get out and walk, but the warmth does him some good. Hopefully this won't last too much longer.

By next Tuesday, things should start improving a little bit. He will start getting neupogen shots again to give his cells a boost. By next weekend we should be seeing some real differences. It's getting hard to hold on. I guess you could say this is about like mile 18 or so in a marathon....your not sure, but you gotta finish!

1 comment:

Sally W. said...

Sounds so unfun :(. Sorry you all have to go through this. Hope your pets are hanging in there.
I'll be thinking of you!
Big Sissy