Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Oh yeah...blood pressure is being tested at school. I understand why parent’s hope their kids have kids "just like" them.

Anyway, Gil had his radiologist appt. today. I was gonna post the results on Friday, but might as well do it now while the memory is fresh. Of course I (we) are also trying to figure out what to do for dinner too. Jason is sick with laryngitis, so he's being a bit picky about what he can & cannot eat (and we can't afford to let him starve...he's a toothpick already!). I have been trying to keep things so clean: I disinfect the kitchen counters every night. And I've been washing my hands and am trying to get in the habit of drying with paper towels. Well...?

On to the appt. info:
It turns out that one of the chemicals that Gil is getting (Adriamycin) does not work well with radiation...the two cannot be done at the same time. So he has to wait until after Chemo is finished before starting radiation.

SO…March 9th he should be finished with the Chemo, and he will get another PET scan (or CaT scan…from what he says they are pretty much the same). At that time, they will determine if there are still any signs of the Hodgkin’s left. IF there is he will require 15 treatments of radiation, which means treatment every day (week day?) for 3 weeks. Each treatment takes about 2 minutes from entry to exit. So I guess there is great hope that the Chemo may take care of the issue it self.

As it is, the radiologist (Dr. Gauwitz) could not find any sign of swelling or swollen nodes in his neck, although the PET scan said there were still some there. The Chemo may be doing a great job already!

I want to thank EVERYONE so much for your comments and prayers. Your love and support is appreciated.

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